G2 Reality s.r.o.

Reality Zlín - sale, lease and reconstruction of real estate

For the buyer

You don’t buy a property every day. In many cases, it is a life decision, a decision on hundreds of thousands or millions. It is important not to underestimate these transactions. Therefore, we recommend that an expert – real estate agency – deal with this activity. The buyer will be assured that the sale will be professionally managed and led to its successful completion. At the same time, his valuable time will be saved, and we will take care of everything necessary for you.

Buyer Services and Progress

In addition to these intermediary services for the buyer, we can provide moving, evacuation, cleaning, waste disposal, as well as complete renovation of apartments .

Renovations are being done directly by our company at unbeatable prices.

I want to buy

    Select a property *
    Location *
    Price from *
    Price to *
    Financing *
    Note *

    Contact information

    Name *
    Surname *
    Phone *
    E-mail *