G2 Reality s.r.o.

Reality Zlín - sale, lease and reconstruction of real estate

For the seller

Our activity is to solve all sales-related activities for you so that the sale is as simple and convenient for you as possible, with a minimum of time. We will take care of everything you can.
We guarantee professionalism, accuracy, correctness of the given sale, 100% satisfaction.

Seller Services and Progress

We’ll take care of all your sales activities, saving you time and worries as a seller:

In addition to these brokerage services for the seller, we can provide removal, removal, cleaning, waste disposal or even painting before sale .

Of course, we’re happy to help the seller find and process a new property.

I want to sell

    Select a property *
    Requested price *
    Address *
    Does the property offer other real estate agents? *
    Description *

    Contact information

    Name *
    Surname *
    Phone *
    E-mail *